Sunday, March 12, 2023

Bette Recovers Ability to Walk/Use Litterbox with Steroids-Must Monitor

Bette again has responded quickly to prednisolone given twice a day (as opposed to once daily) and can now fully walk and go to the bathroom without issue.

But much like HCM, this is a disease that will grow and get worse over time. And much like HCM, we must monitor her daily for signs of the disease and complications, and monitor her ability to walk and use the litter box.

We are not allowed to increase the prednisolone in the future because more than 2ml a day will lead to immune suppression which might occur regardless. Immune suppression can lead to an increase in viruses taking hold (but she's indoors and on lysine for Herpes so that might reduce the probability.) But long term use can also suppress her response to vaccinations which can be a concern although she is an indoor cat. (But the distemper virus is air borne and can be brought indoors on us as well.)

Other long term effects of prednisolone for cats is not the same for dogs (dogs have more possible issues) but it can lead to edema-fluid retention similar to humans, or over eating (and she needs to lose one pound as it is. She's 12.3 and really should be about 11 lbs especially given her mobility issues.)

Here's one of many links you can find online about prednisolone. 

AND as a reminder-STEROIDS CANNOT BE GIVEN TO HCM/heart disease cats (and dogs.) It causes fluid retention, is contraindicated with diuretics. Bette does not have HCM.

Medications she is currently on:
*Valium 1/2 tab of 2mg tab BID (twice a day)-since 2010 for litter box issues.
*Prednisolone-1ml BID-steroid

*Buprenex pain medication - .15 BID-for a few days for her right leg pain to get her past this recent issue. We will do at least once a day going forward to see if she's in a lot of pain and if less of it affects her ability to be comfortable for now. I can increase it as needed. This is a less severe pain medication. The neurologist suggested gabapentin which we have used on other cats for other issues and it is too difficult to control. It makes them loopy even at very low doses.
*Cisapride-once a day for now-a medication to help her expel fecal matter. Works internally not at the rectum but might help here body prep the matter to push it out. We can do it BID but for now just once in the a.m. to get her past her recent issue. She has had normal bowel movements since Saturday. Is that the prednisolone or the cisapride?

*Cerenia four times a week to control pancreatitis.
*Chlorpheniramine-anti histamine for her eye/skin inflammation she began to have in 2021. Four times a week.
*Gels: lysine, Methigel (urine)Laxatone (to help her gastro mobility) four times a week

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