I began this blog in March 2014 when our cat suddenly developed symptoms of heart disease after dental surgery in February. Unfortunately, the disease took him August 9, 2014. Now that he has passed, there isn't much more to add to the blog but I will post something from time to time. Please read the corresponding blog "Cat Living with HCM" and the Facebook pages Cats Living with HCM and the Feline Moderator Band Facebook page.
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Feline Thrombosis/FATE-Feline Arterial Thromboembolism-the Affect of Blood Clots in Cats
Saturday, May 20, 2023
How to Feed a Sick Cat-the Art of Getting a Cat to Eat or Feeding It by Hand
Difficult Week for Bette Davis
Bette Davis Died of Radiation Side Effects
Monday, May 15, 2023
Feline Trigeminal Nerve Damaged When Aggressively Intubated
Bette Sees Dentist Who Rules Jaw Issues are Likely Trigeminal Nerve Damage
From Aggressive Jaw Opening When Intubated
I know it looks scary that her tongue is hanging out. But the photo from last Wednesday when I took her to the ER and her tongue was really hanging out and her mouth was really wide open and she was breathing hard is scarier.
But we saw her dentist today and he observed and checked her and he said that she is actually doing much better than what I described that she was doing a week ago and then last Saturday and last Wednesday at the ER. She’s no longer holding her mouth all the way open, she’s no longer sticking her tongue all the way out, not moving it. She’s able to close her jaw even if it is somewhat still open. She can move her tongue which he said is a good sign even if it still hangs out a wee little bit. He believes that someone once, or more than once got aggressive, not in a mean way, but in a “they aren’t paying attention” way when they opened up her mouth, opened her jaw wide for intubation. That damaged or inflamed her trigeminal nerve. It’s a nerve that connects throughout the face, the jaw, the eyes as in the outside of the eyes not the optic nerves. That is why he suspects her right eye is not responding, that’s why she was drooling, had open mouth, her tongue sticking out while she was swallowing hard a few days ago. He believes that she’s on the mend. He said to give it another 7 to 10 days. If after 10 days it hasn’t completely improved then maybe something else needs to be done but right now he thinks she’s on the mend. She may not be perfectly healed, because once the damage is done, depending on how severe it is, it may not heal all the way. He said he doesn’t think there’s a reason to get an urgent MRI either. And don’t intubate her for the next two weeks. Just let her rest. So we will not go ahead with the last two radiation treatments. We do have to see them and go over whatever. But we’re going to skip the last two treatments so that she’s not intubated and I called her neurologist, and I said we will no longer need an urgent MRI but we would like to get one sooner than the one that we have five weeks from now if possible. So we are back to at least she’s no longer drooling. That is a major improvement over this this past week and she’s able to not drool and spit out her food or medications. Now we just need to eventually get her to eat on her own, and hopefully that will happen when she’s more comfortable, licking or chewing and swallowing more solid food. So better news, good news, etc.
He also gave her a shot of the antibiotic Convenia. He suspects that there’s an infection and given that she supposedly had a UTI and then her radiologist said she didn’t he suspects, she probably did, and Zenequin can be too strong. It gets the job done but it’s too strong and so he said Convenia is nice and slow and quiet will work its way through a system and fight off anything.
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Bette at home head on counter |
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Bette May 9 before ER visit-mouth opened, tongue out, fast breathing. |
Sunday, May 14, 2023
Bette Has Had Many Issues Since Beginning Radiation
Bette began the process of radiation treatment without any issues. The first few days she was home, used the litter box, ate well, then slept but was also up later in the day, moving about, being taken from room to room. But quickly small issues emerged-litter box use and ability to eliminate, lameness, exhaustion, fast breathing, inappetence, drooling, open mouth, weak front legs, weak side of face. No one knows the cause. We are going to the dentist on Monday 5/15/23 because he's an expert and will be able to evaluate and offer suggestions as to cause and treatment. We are to hear from her neurologist about setting up an MRI recheck on Monday and hopefully we can get her in sooner than the June appointment we already had set. The following are notes from the notebook I have kept about her treatment. I tried to clean them up so that they make sense, replaced person and place names. The grammar or sentence structure is not always correct.
4/19 Began radiation treatments Wednesday-Friday. Never sick, tired, ate well at home. Restless at night. Used litter box without issue. Good 4/19-21. Looked and acted normally. But quickly lost use of left leg, no weight on it.
4/22 Signs of difficulty eliminating. Increased Miralax and Cisipride and Forta Flora. Smaller bowel movements. Began difficulty getting into the box as leg got weaker. Began urinating periodically on pads and not in box. Still looked normal. Eating ok.
4/24 High amount of blood in urine. Not using box, urinating over box onto pad or on pad. Dark red. vet school checked urine and no bacteria. Red blood cells they thought from stress. Increased Buprenex, Methigel, water by mouth. Ate ok but not as much.
4/25 Vet school prescribed Gabapentin at bedtime-50mg/1ml; we gave .75ml. That settled her down at night to sleep.
4/26-4/28 Better, using box, restful, slept well at night. Could move up and down basement stairs on her own.
4/29 Urine out of box, restless at night. Gave more Buprenex, water by mouth, Methigel.
Weight was 11.11.
4/30-5/1 normal, weaker legs, unable to move as much, box use getting difficult. Eats well enough.
In May-begins squinting eyes, slight drooling and wetness around mouth. This increases daily.
5/1-Monday-normal day, fine post treatment. Good evening. Ate well.
5/2 Evening-can’t get into litter box, puts legs in but butt is out and urinates onto pads. Can still slide her body and drag left leg and use front legs to move around. Is drooling.
5/3 Came home from vet school dirty and wet around mouth, chest, legs because the drooling has increased greatly. The gunk on her is food she tried to eat after treatment.
5/4 Thursday vet school radiologist sees ulcer in right eye. Gave antibiotic gel cream for eye bacitracin neomycin polymyxin. She is now very lame, harder to move around but she can move herself. Continued drooling out of mouth all day into next. Could still eat. Began urinating laying on pad and it got all over her. Got urine sample from pad into vet. Eye gel glues eyes closed, makes a mess on face.
5/5 Friday BD urine on pad laying down, on herself 5:30 a.m. Her vet said Thursday's urine sample has high amount of bacteria although not sterile sample. Dr gave Zenequin. Seems tired and not able to get into box easily. Drooling is worse, very wet. Eats only some. Eyes closing more, gel on face. Afternoon and evening-used the box by getting into it and only got a little wet with urine.
5/6 Saturday -Was fine in the a.m. and ate but by the afternoon was clearly run down. Wouldn’t eat all day. Gave water PO often and she rejected it. Difficult getting food into her with syringe. Eyes squinting, second eyelids out on both eyes, drooling, open mouth, weak, tired. She hadn’t had a BM or urinated since Friday 5:30 a.m. Was afraid she was crashing or had blockage or fistula. Seemed cool, less pink. But BR was normal at home. Took her to vet school ER. Tested-despite clinical signs nothing tested positive. BR/HR/temp/BP normal. ER doesn’t know why she’s drooling. Or why feeling/looking miserable. She hates having her mouth touched. Bladder at ER was small but she wasn’t dehydrated in skin test nor in blood work so did not give fluids. Urine tested positive for bacteria so continue Zenequin. Left leg has good blood pressure but less muscle mass. Gave Onedansetron for nausea, suspect drooling nausea related. She ate very well for them-although a drooling mess. They cleaned her face and she looked perfect.
5/7 Sunday-finally urinated on a pad 2:30 pm as she lay and had to be cleaned. She perked up afterwards and ate and drank for five minutes. Then slept. Then by 6 pm. seemed run down again. Never urinated all day or night. Looks miserable. Ate little. Gave water PO. Drooling increasing, even more wet on body. Eyes squinting closed more.
5/8 Monday Dr. Radiologist said tumor may not be shrinking, litter box issues related. Discussed Saturday ER. Needs followup MRI. Left leg has no feeling-blood and good pressure (ER) but wasting muscle tone. Mouth is held open slightly, drooling is excessive, tongue is out. Eyes squint more. Vet school radiologist doesn’t know why. Sort of dismissed it as mouth soreness. *They’ve never had a mouth injury during intubation. Bette looks miserable. *On Monday Dr. Radiologist said ER urine sample was not bacteria but would not say why the ER said bacteria other than ER doctor misread it. Said to end Zenequin. Said to end Buprenex, give Gaba 1ml BID and not just at bedtime. Decided to do 1ml Gaba post treatment, ½ ml dinner, ½ ml bedtime. Evening heard jaw click noise, open mouth more, tongue out, not comfortable. NO urine or BM since Sunday.
Finally urinated 3:30 a.m. Tues. on pad.
5/9 Tuesday-Drooling is worse. She’s wet, hard to hold down meds, jaw makes noise, heavy breathing, open mouth. BR was 80 in the morning when we arrived at vet school. It did not fluctuate while we waited for treatment. Dr. Radiologist said it was normal BR when in treatment. She later said she did not react when mouth and face touched-but then said that was done under anesthesia (so not a good indicator.) She was drooling post treatment and was dirty from struggling to eat and keep it down. Mouth was opened, tongue out. BR was excessive. They still released her. And it got worse in the car going home. Decided to go to local AEC. They put her on oxygen and that calmed her immediately. Blood work shows some iffy-most to do with breathing fast; and some white blood cell counts are low. Lungs clear, eyes irritated. Gave Optimax eye drops. Don’t know why mouth is opened, drooling, fast breathing. May be signs of pain or injury or anxiety. Took xrays of body and nothing is wrong internally-no fistulas, no blockages.
5/10 Wednesday Gave Valium in a.m. before treatment instead of post treatment to help with anxiety if drooling is related. Radiologist concerned that radiation causing breathing issues but denies mouth soreness still. Finally urinated 2:30 pm on pad at home. We then saw Dr. Vet to review issues. She checked mouth, teeth and said it’s pain reflex but cause is unknown. Might be TMJ or nerve damage. Related to intubation likely. Said to give Buprenex post treatment to help with jaw pain and to use it as break through pain control as needed. Checked eyes-irritated, no ulcer. Said to use Topamycin for eyes post treatment, lube pre treatment. Bette BM 10 p.m.; urine by midnight pads and on her. Her mouth is opened, slack, drooling excessive, tongue out still. Gave buprenex at home. Can’t keep down Gaba with drooling and bitterness of med. AEC bloodwork-showed low WBC count, off RBC counts; and off CO2 counts due to fast breathing. And low potassium. Give Renal K. Kidneys normal. Decided to stop Onedansetron except as needed since drooling isn’t nausea related but likely pain. Giving more water by mouth. Eyes squinting closed.
5/11 Thursday radiology treatment; said they will compound Gaba into pills (ordered from NJ pharmacy) because drooling is excessive and with bitter Gaba she can’t keep it down. She came home DIRTY from spitting up her food at vet school post treatment. Giving Renal k potassium and buprenex post treatment. She cannot CHEW today, can’t eat her dry food or treats. Drooling is worse ever. Decide to give only Buprenex because she can keep that down; Gaba at bedtime. Must be gentle with mouth, hold it partially closed to help her swallow. Careful not to choke on meds or aspirate liquids. Giving water by mouth. Slept rest of day. No urine/BM. Eyes-especially right-keeps closing. Mouth still open/drooling.
5/12 Friday BM 3:45 a.m.; front legs seem weak-especially RIGHT front leg. And vet school called and said they suspect drooling now is from TMJ or trigeminal nerve damage. Could be inflammation or a tumor or damage. They say this has never happened before.
Urine in crate by 1 pm. Once home. Giving tuna juice, water by mouth, buprenex. Decide to syringe feed AD. Renal K, etc. Right eye is not opening up as much, right side of mouth NOT sore but left is. We suspect her right side of face nerve damage. Eye does not respond to touch. Pupils look the same. Hard to lift herself and move with weak front legs.
5/13 Saturday less drooling, less opened mouth, tongue only out a little. Must be careful when syringe feeding-hold mouth closed, go slowly, and with meds. She is eating some on her own. Clean her, protect catheter paw. Right side of face not responding as left to touch or pain. Suspect weak front right leg, doesn’t seem to resist as front left. Hard for her to move around. Right eye not blinking when touched.
Urine and bm in box 9:45 a.m. A little wet. Eating on own in late day/evening and syringe feeding.
5/14 Sunday Weight down to 10.13 from 11.11 a month ago, and 11.3 a week ago. Not eating on her own. Careful with syringe feeding. Mouth not as opened. Does open it and breathes fast but can mostly close it, especially when sleeping, or tongue is out a little bit. Urine/bm 9 a.m. in box and only a little wet. Slept well over night.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Pet Oxygen Tent/Chambers
If you wanted an oxygen tent-and learned how to use them-here is just one on Amazon; $319 for a small.
Pawprint Oxygen Cannister Kit for Pets
II don't think this was available-certainly wasn't recommended-when Myrna was alive or it would have been in our house. It's easy to use, safe to use; doesn't require a chamber. About $210 for a kit.
Pawprint Oxygen kits for dogs or cats.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Bette Has Evening Trip to ER after Radiation Weakens Her System
Saturday May 6:
So-despite doing better, today Bette decided she was not. She seemed fine this morning and ate. But hasn’t eaten, nor had water-except for the 9ml we gave every three hours-hasn’t eliminated, and both eyes are closing, she hates being touched, hated her mouth touched, was drooling. This happened over the course of the day. By 4 pm I thought something was wrong. I reread the information from her radiologist about how certain symptoms can appear and be normal; how others are life threatening. By 7pm I thought she was worse and since the drive to the vet school is an hour-they have emergency also, have her records, nothing needs to be explained except about what happened today-I took her then instead of waiting even later and risk coming up here with her at midnight. (We are not strangers to midnight visits to our regular ER.)
They believe she is exhausted from treatment, and is dehydrated; she is not crashing-radiation can cause fistula-a hole-in the colon or bladder leading to death and those signs would appear quickly after occurrence, she would vomit and be lethargic and be unresponsive. Her eyes are closing and they will check both. They will do another urine test. They may change the antibiotic. They will do an ultrasound to make sure her bladder and colon are fine. She doesn’t have a fever. Breathing and heart rate are normal.
She arrived very weak but once in the examination area, tried to bolt very fast on three legs anytime they let go of her.
She presented clinically with issues but NOT when tested. She had normal temp/breathing rate/heart rate/pulse; was not congested nor wheezy as I thought; and was not dehydrated-not in the blood work, not in the skin test. Her right eye no longer has an ulcer but both are irritated. Her kidney/liver/electrolytes were normal. The ultrasound showed no fistulas or blockages. She does have a UTI with a high level of bacteria, no crystals, normal pH.
They thought the drooling and not wanting to be touched in the mouth was from nausea. Similar to humans with indigestion and burping, the mouth can get irritated and uncomfortable. They gave her a new med Ondansetron. Cerenia is to stop vomiting and helps with nausea, also. But when a cat presents with strong nausea that causes drooling and mouth aversion, this med is necessary.
They will do a urine culture to see if we need to change the antibiotic.
They did not give fluids since she was fine.
They cleaned her eyes and face (the eye gel gets messy.) We are to continue use of the eye gel but we don't need to use as much and only twice a day (so far.)
But why had she not eliminated? They don't know why. She had a small bladder and they withdrew some for the test.
She ate very well for them after not eating all day at home and BEFORE she received the Ondansetron. She left looking more chipper for no reason other than having ate finally. She was perfectly fine once home. She received the new med and her bedtime Gabapentin and ate some more. BUT she still did not eliminate.
Sunday May 7:
We got up this morning and was fine. We seculded her in the dining room on her own so that I knew if she was the one using the litter box. She ate, etc. She was tired but alert. She slept a lot. I could not express her bladder (I'll need to learn how.)
Then at 2:30 she got into the litter box, and finally urinated-in the box, over the box, on the pad; then moved out of the box, laid down and finished urinating on a pad. She was soaking wet with urine on her backside, legs, and tail. I used a pad to wrap her up so that I could carry her to the laundry room without dropping urine all over. The pad also soaked up a lot of it from her. I gave her a bath in our blessedly very deep laundry room sink from which she could not jump. It also has a hose. I sprayed her down while holding her up in one arm because the bandaged port line in the front left leg cannot get wet. I shampooed and rinsed. Then I wrapped her up in a large towel to dry her, took her outside and sat on the deck in the sun for about 15 minutes, turning her over every so often to dry her. Then I brought her back inside, and she laid on the blankets while we finished cleaning up the pads.
She also eventually began this afternoon to drink water out of the bowl on her own again after not drinking all of Saturday.
I'm not sure what happened yesterday. Is it possible she did not get enough of her prednisolone? Maybe I didn't see an air gap that can occur which decreases the amount in the syringe. (Wedgwood sends orange syringes to go with their orange bottles.)
We continue to take this one day at a time.
Friday, May 5, 2023
Bette Has Issues This Week with Radiation Treatment
Bette: developed an ulcer on the eye due to being under anesthesia each day. That can happen because the eyes don't close and can dry out. They are supposedly using drops to keep the eyes wet during treatments but I guess it can still happen. They gave us a eye gel to use for a couple weeks. They do a full physical check each day before treatment and that's how they discovered the ulcer.
She's had trouble using the litter box this week, stepping in but not getting her butt into the box, then urinating out of the box. I thought it was due to treatment, the tumor weakening her rear legs, etc. I captured a sample and took it into the regular vet on Thursday. The results showed high level of bacteria, some blood (not seen visually this time unlike two weeks ago) no crystals, high WBC. So, she's now on Zenequin for ten days. BUT today after treatment (before Zenequin) she blessedly used the box twice by getting into the box, butt and all. She did get a touch of urine on her rear leg so we will continue to have to clean her.