Katharine seems to be doing better on a longer course of steroids. We did ten days of two; then five of one; then every other day of one; now every other day of 1/2 for five days; then we will do 1/4 every three days until the supply runs out. Meanwhile, despite less steroids, she is eating well. The first time this summer when we did steroids for IBD, she didn't eat as much as soon as we stopped giving the med twice a day; and then stopped altogether when we finished the course. And she's gained weight-back on a diet! She's 11.6 up from 10 lbs in June.

I began this blog in March 2014 when our cat suddenly developed symptoms of heart disease after dental surgery in February. Unfortunately, the disease took him August 9, 2014. Now that he has passed, there isn't much more to add to the blog but I will post something from time to time. Please read the corresponding blog "Cat Living with HCM" and the Facebook pages Cats Living with HCM and the Feline Moderator Band Facebook page.